Using Global Budgets and Multi-Sector Teams to Align Systems in Vermont: Strategies to Achieve Alignment, Collaboration, and Synergy Across Delivery and Financing Systems
This webinar introduces a study testing the effectiveness of a global all-payer payment model combined with multi-sector community health teams in improving health and social outcomes for Vermont residents.
Results will provide state and federal decision-makers with strategies for using global budgeting and multi-sector teams to achieve systems alignment.
The Vermont Blueprint for Health initiative is among the most ambitious statewide health financing reforms now underway in the U.S. The study uses quasi-experimental methods to estimate the reform’s effects on relationships among health and social service organizations, access to needed health and social services, healthcare utilization and costs, and equity in health outcomes. Researchers at the University of Vermont are collaborating with the Department of Vermont Health Access, OneCare Vermont, and the Green Mountain Care Board to conduct the study.