Cross-Sector Alignment and the Response to COVID-19: What Can We Learn from Research on Cross-Sector Alignment?
This brief examines factors supporting cross-sector alignment; presents findings relevant to the response to the COVID crisis; and presents challenges and response opportunities related to several key elements of the Cross-Sector Alignment Theory of Change: sectors, shared purpose, governance, finance, data, community voice, equity, capacity, and urgency.
The COVID crisis has both underscored and created a host of problems affecting population health and health equity. To respond to this crisis, we need new, powerful ways of thinking about, and dealing with, emerging problems as well as the problems we had before the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Cross-Sector Alignment Theory of Change is a rich source of ideas for responding to the COVID crisis. The pandemic has exacerbated already-existing cracks in our health care, public health, and social service systems. Aligning organizations are often well-positioned to address these cracks.