Regional Leaders Learn How to Invest Resources to Ensure Health and Well-Being
This blog examines ReThink Health’s Portfolio Design for Healthier Regions framework used to guide stewards in recruiting funders to invest in cross-sector programs improving local health.
In the summer of 2019, ReThink Health’s Portfolio Design for Healthier Regions project began working with stewards from two regions: 1) 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, serving five adjacent small towns located in southeast Michigan, and 2) Palm Health Foundation and BeWellPBC, a behavioral health initiative in Palm Beach County, Florida. In their respective regions, the stewardship partners recruited organizations—such as taxing agencies and county mental health services agencies—responsible for directing and allocating funding that may significantly impact health and well-being. The stewards began to see how they can lead change in a complex system through intentional partnerships and network strategies designed to produce vital conditions in addition to meeting urgent needs.
This blog is the first in a series of four covering the Portfolio Design for Healthier Regions project.