This report examines how Healthy Homes Des Moines (HHDMS) develops creative, bold, and upstream solutions to address the high rate of pediatric asthma incidence.
This report analyzes core partner interviews—representing community-based organizations, hospitals and health systems, and local public health departments—and presents findings from their points of view in an effort to highlight lessons learned and share insights related to collaboration, data use, policy and advocacy, health equity, and sustainability.
HHDSM worked to reduce pediatric asthma-related hospital visits by improving the social, economic, and environmental factors that have the greatest impact on pulmonary health. In two years, HHDMS members built a cross-sector, interdisciplinary, and integrated partnership that has successfully begun to address housing as an upstream factor that extends beyond health care and individual behavior. Perhaps the greatest success of HHDSM’s BUILD initiative lies in its integrated data systems and sustainability efforts in advocating for managed care organizations to be a critical component in continuing the work.