Virtual Series
Cross-Sector Alignment: Built to Last
In Spring 2020, the Aligning Systems for Health initiative, led by the Georgia Health Policy Center and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, hosted a virtual convening series, “Cross-Sector Alignment: Built to Last.”
Below, please find a series of activities:
VIDEO: Welcome to
VIDEO: Meet Aligning Systems for Health
VIRTUAL PANEL RECORDING: “Why Cross-Sector Alignment Matters: Real Life Stories” Virtual Panel (April 21)
VIRTUAL EVENT RECORDING: Pixels: Learning from Each Other (May 27)
On May 27, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grantees shared the work they are engaged in around cross-sector alignment: What is it? What does it mean? Why does it matter? How can we use these lessons in light of the current fight against COVID-19? Together, we brought the pixels together to form a more complete picture of cross-sector alignment efforts.
View the event recordings here.
VIRTUAL EVENT RECORDING: Theory of Change Charette (June 24)
On June 24, Cross-Sector Alignment Theory of Change charette collected input into how the Theory of Change can better support the work of those implementing cross-sector alignment, including the organizations supporting that implementation, researchers, and funders.
REPORT: Cross-Sector Alignment: Built to Last Virtual Series
This report summarizes the three Built to Last virtual sessions: Why Cross-Sector Alignment Matters: Real Life Stories, Pixels: Learning from Each Other, and Cross-Sector Alignment Theory of Change Charette.