Using Measurement to Drive Cross-Sector Alignment Towards Equitable Health Outcomes: An Environmental Scan Report
This environmental scan offers an overview of the breadth and variability within the landscape of cross-sector alignment initiatives and the many different ways in which these initiatives use measurement.
Achieving health equity requires creating aligned systems that work together to meet the goals and needs of the people they serve. Shared measurement can help galvanize and sustain the infrastructure, governance, and incentive changes needed for lasting cross-sector alignment that advances health equity. But many questions remain about what characteristics of measurement support alignment and how measurement across sectors can be implemented in ways that are meaningful to and will benefit communities in equitable ways.
The report sheds light on three research questions:
1. How do existing efforts use measurement as a lever to create alignment among sectors in addressing health equity?
2. What features of measurement drive alignment across sectors for community well-being?
3. What cross-sector metrics are most commonly used as “north stars” or targets to measure health and community well-being?